Our Team

  • Emily Sparks hiking guide with Revel Treks and Tours


    Emily moved to Alaska from Arkansas in 2020 after meeting her husband. She studied Tourism Management at Colorado State University, receiving a Master’s degree in 2021. She loves the outdoor world and showing it to others. Her favorite pastimes include hiking, camping, fishing, backpacking, and snowshoeing. Emily is excited to use her passion for people and the outdoors to show off the beautiful creation that is Alaska.

  • Dylan

    Dylan originally hails from New England. She has been working, studying and living in Alaska for almost 3 years now as a graduate student at Alaska Pacific University. She is studying outdoor and environmental education and works as an outdoor science school teacher at the Kellogg F.I.E.L.D School. Prior to Revel, Dylan worked as a public school teacher. She has worked with students from preschool age to college-age and is excited to be facilitating youth programming with Revel.

  • Ute

    Ute Riesenkönig Olsson received a Master of Forestry from Duke University and a Master of Science in Ecological Studies from Colorado State University. She taught natural history to all ages at the Eagle River Nature Center for two decades before her retirement. Ute has a special interest in ethnobotany -- how humans have traditionally used plants in Alaska.

  • Kierre Childers skiing outside of Fairbanks, Alaska


    Kierre Childers has been calling Alaska home since 2015. She started in Willow, Alaska, volunteering on a trail crew at Nancy Lake State Recreation Area. After a summer of digging outhouse holes, brushing trails, picking berries, and hiking around the state, there was no looking back. Her passion for learning, the outdoors, and bringing people together is rooted in Revel operations. Kierre is a Wilderness First Responder, and an EMT. When not guiding she enjoys spending time on trails, biking around downtown Palmer and serving as a new member of the Mat-Su Water Rescue Team.